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Work Experience - WEX 12A & 12B

Work Experience - WEX 12A & 12B

Isaac Buxton Sterling
Work experience is intended to help prepare students for the transition from secondary school to the world of work or further education and training. The community becomes the classroom where students gain knowledge and experience about the workplace and are provided with a frame of reference to review or revise their career goals. Work experience students will have the opportunity to observe and practice generic employability skills, explore career choices to make informed decisions, and Increase self-confidence and self-awareness. In some cases, students practice technical skills relating to specific occupations and obtain references and contacts that will assist with future job searches.
Work Experience as a Graduation Requirement:
To satisfy graduation requirements, all students must complete a minimum of 30 hours of work or volunteer exploration. This graduation requirement recognizes the importance of experiential learning and the importance of extending education beyond the classroom into the community.
Work Experience as a 4 Credit Course (open to students in Grades 10, 11 or 12):
Work experience 12A & 12B are Ministry authorized courses intended to provide students with the knowledge and skills to be successful in the world of work, and the opportunity to explore their chosen career path. These 100+ hour courses are designed to link classroom knowledge and activities to skills and attitudes that are required in the work place. Students will receive four (4) credits per course (WEX12A or WEX12B).
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