Important School Bus Pass Information

SD 70 School Bus Pass Information:
As of October 18, 2023 bus pass use on all SD 70 school busses is mandatory. This means that ALL students who use a school bus to get to or from school MUST be registered and have obtained a School Bus Pass Card. Students are required to scan the card getting on and off the bus. Those students that do not have a bus pass card or have one, and are not using it, may be denied bus transportation after December 15, 2023.
Bus pass cards for all registered students have been made and distributed. If you have registered your student and they have not yet received a bus pass card, please contact Dave at 250-720-2772.
If your student has lost their bus pass card, please wait for a week (to look for the card) before contacting Dave at 250-720-2772 to obtain a replacement card. Please note that a $10 replacement fee will be charged.
Students who have lost or forgotten their bus pass card will be required to enter their name and school on a sign in sheet, every time they board a school bus until they obtain a bus pass card.