School Supplies

School Supply lists for each grade are available via the link below. Along with our school supply lists we have a letter from Teacher's File based in Courtenay BC which provides a service to our school to provide school supply bags if parents wish to purchase a pre packaged bag of supplies for your child. Supplies are ordered in advance and Teacher's File ships the supplies directly to our school to be delivered to your child's classroom at the start of the school year. This is not the only option for families. If you wish to purchase supplies please use the attached list to purchase supplies at the Co-op, Staples, The Drugstore, Walmart, Amazon or any supplier of your choice. Some of the items on the lists are reusable from year to year such as scissors, pencil boxes, geometry sets, pencil sharpeners, calculators and rulers to name a few, please reuse where possible.
If you wish to order from Teacher's File here are a few tips to help complete your order. **Please order for your child's grade for next year (2024-25)** Supply bags will be available while supplies last.
1. Website is
2. Parents' website tab
3. School delivery
4. order a pack
5. Ucluelet Elementary
6. Select grade under the online form tab
7. Follow prompts to pay
If you aren't sure if you placed an order later in the summer, please visit the Teachers File online checker on the same website address.
A few things not included on the supply lists are gym runners, outdoor weather gear, a reusable water bottle as well as a backpack to take items to and from school each day. Intermediate students will need to purchase a school agenda for $6 when the year begins. Teachers may also send home a request for items not covered on the list in September or throughout the year as supplies are used. Pricing is based on orders placed by July 31 2024.