Bear/Cims Aware Club

Bear/Cims Aware Club
The goal of Bear Aware Club is to give students a voice in the protection of our beloved Black Bears, called Cims in our local Ucluelethat language. We meet on Friday afternoons.
In late fall we had Bob and Marianne from Wild Safe BC share their extensive knowledge with our club which further inspired student initiatives. Since that time our club has been working on a variety of initiatives including Bear aware animations, information brochures and stickers.
Bear Club plans to be present in the community as we get closer to spring and are looking forward to our upcoming information booth.
As a club, students plan to create a team letter that will be shared with our local municipal government on behalf of Bear protection. The students believe that Bear proof garbage cans throughout the community, dumpsters that are locked and Bear proof curbside garbage cans would be a great place for our community to start in helping to protect our Bears.
Gemma, Annie, Willow, Kaia and Daphne taking the lead to teach younger students about being Bear Aware!