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Cross Country


2021 Elementary Schools’ Cross Country Meet


Date:   Monday, November 8th, 2021

Time: Race Starts at 3:15pm and ends at 4:30pm

Place:  Please bring your child to Wood Elementary School at 3:05pm. We will be meeting in the gravel parking lot. Please drop your child off wearing a mask and then leave so we do not have extra bodies at the start line.  The race starts on Wallace Street in front of Wood School and ends at Bob Dailey Stadium.  

Unfortunately, due to COVID protocols, there will be no gathering for an awards ceremony at Glenwood Center, as has happened in past years.   When your child crosses the finish line at they will receive a place standing ticket.  This ticket gets submitted to their coach.  Awards and recognition will be handed out in the few days following at a school level.  After your child finishes, please return their jersey to a coach (Mr. Mahovlic, or Mrs. Mahovlic) and leave with your child to prevent a large gathering of people at the stadium afterwards.

          The district Cross Country Meet is a multi-grade and multi-school event.  All runners will have experienced a run of this length (roughly 2.5km).

Please make sure your child is prepared for the weather conditions such as wet and/or cold, as the race will be only cancelled due to extreme weather conditions, for ex. high winds.

On Race Day please:

  • Wear shorts, track or yoga type pants, and proper lace up running shoes
  • School jersey’s will be provided for your child
  • A change of clothes and a towel is recommended
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to get your child to and from the event.  If other arrangements are needed please contact the school at (250) 724- 0512 and we will see what we can do to help!

Thank you,

Mrs. Mahovlic, and Mr. Mahovlic

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