It's Gr. 6/7 Basketball Season

It's Basketball Season again but for the Gr. 6 & 7's.
We have a Boys Team and a Girls Team and are being coached by Mme Hodgson (boys) and Mrs. Dyer (girls), as well as other staff members.
Practices are together on Mondays after school until 3:45 and Fridays at lunchtime & Game Days are on Wednesdays. (see schedule below) and the calendar on the website/App.
We request that you send your children with appropriate gym attire, especially footwear, and parents to pick up on time. Water bottles and extra snacks are also needed.
Games are every Wednesday afterschool at various schools throughout the valley.
Game Start time: 3:15 Game Complete 4:15
*Parents & Guardians, please pick up your children on time. Volunteer coaches are required to wait with your child and release them directly to you.
Date | Girls Team | Boys Team |
Jan. 15 | Away @ JP II | Home vs. JP II |
Jan. 22 | Home vs EJ Dunn | Away @ EJ Dunn |
Jan. 29 | Home vs Haahuupayak | Away at Haahuupayak |
Feb.5 | Home vs Maquinna | Away @ Maquinna |
Feb. 12 | Away vs EJ Dunn | Home vs. EJ Dunn |
Feb. 19 | Bye | Bye |
Feb. 26 | Away @ Maquinna | Home vs. Maquinna |
Mar. 5 | Home vs. JPII | Away @ JPII |
Mar. 7 | JAMBOREE at ADSS 3:30 - 7:00 pm |
Practices are every Monday afterschool from 2:45-3:45 and Fridays at lunch time.
Boys Team - Mme Hodgson (
Girls Team - Mrs. Dyer (
Any questions or inquiries - email coaches or call the office 250-724-0623.