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Howitt PAC Gifts for Giving Event: Monday December 9th

pac gifts for giving

GIFTS AND GIVING Is Back Again on December 9th!

This is an especially exciting day for the whole school. Each student can choose one gift for a loved one and have it wrapped up to bring home. They love this day - their faces just light up! 

We are counting on the generosity of families to donate gently used or new items. You can deliver items starting this week and up until Friday December 6th afterschool. Check in at the office and we can help you to get them to our main gym.

Any item that is new or gently used. All items left over will be donated to local charities.

Donations of gift bags, gift wrap, gift tags, or tissue paper would be appreciated. 

Any Questions Please the school (250) 723-7521.

Thank you to all for making this happen for your amazing children! John Howitt Elementary PAC

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